Testing Availability
The district will now be testing using ThermoFischer tests that operate through a portal called Color. In order to be tested, your child must be registered. You can register now so that you are already in the system should you need to test in the future. Staff/Students, Elementary/High School each get their own link, so please only register using the link appropriate for you.
MES Students: https://home.color.com/covid/s... MES Staff: https://home.color.com/covid/s... MHS Students: https://home.color.com/covid/s... MHS Staff: https://home.color.com/covid/s...
The district does not have the ability to conduct mass testing at this time. Students will only be tested if symptomatic and determined to possibly have COVID-19 by the school nurse, or if they are a household contact wanting to attend school. All others should contact their family doctor for testing. School COVID-19 tests are rapid tests and have not been found to be as accurate as PCR tests. When in doubt, please contact your family doctor for more thorough testing.
Isolation Periods
If a student tests positive for COVID-19 Stay home and isolate for 10 days
If a staff member tests positive for COVID-19 Stay home and isolate for 5 days. If after 5 days you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving and you are fever free you can return to school, but you must wear a mask for 5 days If you have fever or your symptoms remain severe, continue to stay home until your fever resolves
If a student has a household member test positive for COVID-19, the guardian of that student has 2 options:
Option 1: Quarantine student for 5 days from last exposure. Classwork will be made available to the student to complete while quarantined. Tutorials may be required when the student returns if there is an academic need.
Option 2: Have student continue to attend school. Student must be separated from the positive case immediately & rapid test each morning for 5 consecutive days before attending class. *If day 5 lands on a Saturday or Sunday the student must test on Monday. Testing will be conducted every morning at the front of the high school from 7:30am-8:00am. Please pull up and stay in your car while testing is conducted. Athletes that have morning practice will be given special instructions.