What an exciting day at Mart Elementary! The GT Grand Prix was a tremendous success, allowing our students to create and race their very own pinewood derby cars. They explored concepts like friction, weight distribution, and aerodynamics while expressing their creativity!
This event was not just about competition; it promoted craftsmanship and good sportsmanship among our young racers. Thank you to Mrs. Kaufmann and all the volunteers who helped make this event successful! Check out the pictures of our participants and winners below!

Check out next week's MES Memo below! We will see you all on Tuesday, March 18th when students return from spring break!

Join us for PK/Kindergarten Roundup on Wednesday, April 16th from 4:30-6:00! Please see the flyer below for more information!

Don't forget that Mart PTO will meet tonight in the MES Cafeteria at 6:45. We hope you can join us!

Tomorrow Kona Ice will be at Mart Elementary from 10-12 am. We encourage you to stop by the truck when you leave our 3rd 9-week assembly. The assemblies are at the following times:
We hope you will join us!

Due to bus capacity, adjustments to the Big Kahuna Party Bus field trip departure times were made for Thursday, March 5th. Permission slips were sent home with students who qualified for this field trip last week.
Updated Departure Times:
10:00-PK, 2nd-Summers and Hall, 6th
11:00-Kindergarten, 1st and 5th
12:00-2nd-Berger, 3rd, 4th
If you have any questions please email amy.stone@mymartisd.org.

We hope you can join us for our Book Fair Family Night at Mart Elementary from 4-6 pm on Wednesday, March 5th!

Next week is a busy week at Mart Elementary! Please check out the MES Memo below for all of our events!

Tomorrow is the final day to order your Mart Panther spirit scarves ! Check out the links below for more information and ordering!
Order here:
More info:

Next week is Read Across America Week at Mart Elementary! Check out the flyer below for our dress-up themes for each day of the week!

Don't miss the opportunity to support Mart PTA and order your spirit scarves before Friday, February 28th! Check out the flyer below for more details and the link below for ordering.
Order here:
More info:

Check out next week's MES Memo below!

Attention Mart ISD Parents! Tonight, temperatures are expected to drop below freezing. While we don't anticipate any wintry precipitation (according to our latest update), there is a risk of residual moisture freezing on the roadways, leading to black ice. As mentioned before, Texas weather can change instantly, so please be prepared for all scenarios. We will be checking and driving our roads at 4:00 am in the morning. We are committed to keeping our staff and students safe and will notify you if conditions are unsafe. All updates will be posted to our MISD Website, Facebook, and sent digitally through email and text.
Mart Administration

This week, Mrs. Aynesworth led our fourth graders in a special etiquette lesson. Today, they applied what they learned by dining at the Chicken Place in Marlin for their Valentine's luncheon. This experience not only promoted social skills but also emphasized the value of respect and good manners in our young Panthers. Mart Elementary is proud of our fourth graders for showing such great manners!

Check out next week's MES Memo below. No school on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day!

Shepherd's Heart will distribute food at the community center today from 2:30-3:30. If you cannot get to the community center during that time, you can send a proxy for you.
The paperwork they will need to bring with them is attached here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sM9C-56XJxCVIO4TUa_Aex6PrDOrzheX?usp=drive_link If this paperwork is completed, then you can send someone to get the food for you.
If you have any questions please call Shepherd's Heart at 254-213-7833

Attention Mart ISD Parents and Community!
We’re excited to inform you that Specialty Restorations has begun cleaning and disinfecting our schools, buses, playgrounds, and athletic facilities this Saturday and will continue through Monday. With the rise in flu and other related illnesses, we want to ensure a safe environment for our students and staff. We hope everyone enjoys their 3-day weekend to rest and recharge, returning to school on Tuesday, February 11th!
Our goal: Keep our doors open and feed and educate our children. Mart ISD continues to be proactive during this wave of illnesses. Special thanks to our school board members and administration for taking this approach.
For more information about the products used for sanitization, check out the flyer below:

Don't forget, NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 10th. Also, check out the MES MEMO for next week's events!

The Lion's Club has rescheduled the Daddy Daughter Dance for April 26th. If you have purchased tickets in advance, you can request your refund in the office or save your ticket for the new date!

Mart ISD is committed to safeguarding our students' health during flu season! As part of our proactive measures to mitigate the spread of flu and related illnesses, all campuses have increased handwashing and sanitizing efforts. Our custodial staff is diligently wiping down surfaces between classes, and we have invested in new electrostatic disinfecting sprayers for end-of-day cleaning and on school buses.
We kindly ask for parental support:
-Keep students with fever home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.
-Those with vomiting or diarrhea should stay home until symptom-free for 24 hours.
-Students with contagious infections should remain at home until treated with medication for 24 hours or until cleared by a doctor.
Check out the picture of Mrs. Beard fighting the flu with our new sprayer!
For more info on the sprayers, visit: https://www.victoryinnovations.gr/?lang=en
Let’s work together to keep our students healthy, and have a great weekend!
Mart Administration