Don't forget tonight is Mart Elementary's Book Fair Family Night. We will be open until 6pm!
Next week's edition of Panther Talk can be found at the following link. Have a great weekend! We DO have school on Monday!
Check out next week's MES MEMO!
Next week's athletic schedule is below. Come out and support our Panthers!
MART PARENTS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS! Mart High School is hosting a JH track meet Monday, March 4th and a HS track meet Thursday, March 7th and are in need of food items for the hospitality room! Last year our community and parents did an an amazing job of providing delicious meals and a variety of wonderful snacks, and here we are asking for your help again this year! If you are able to provide any baked goods,food trays, snacks, drinks, or paper products please comment below or call Mrs. Summers at Mart High School, 254-876-2574. As always, we appreciate your support of Mart ISD and our students!
There will be an information session for all 8th grade parents on Wednesday, February 28 at 6:00 pm in the High School Cafeteria. Mrs. Funk will discuss the transition to high school, graduation plans, and course schedules. Thank you.
Mart Elementary's Book Fair has been moved to next week! We will have the book fair open on Monday, February 6th-Friday, March 1st. We hope you will join us for family night on Wednesday, February 28th from 4:00-6:00 pm. Please see the flyer for more details!
There will only be one softball game on Friday, February 23. It will be played at 5pm in Normangee.
Today's softball game against Vanguard will be played at 4pm at the Mart Little League fields.
Next week's edition of Panther Talk can be found at the following link. There is no school on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Next week's athletic schedule can be found below. Come out and support our Panthers as they begin baseball and softball season!
The Shepherd's Heart food distribution is today from 2pm-4pm in front of the high school. All food boxes are first come, first served. Please spread the word to anyone in the community who can benefit from this.
Check out next week's MES MEMO, and NO School on Monday in observance of Presidents Day.
Please support the 7th grade class and your favorite softball and baseball team and player by ordering your gear for game days. You can find something for the cold weather games in February and March or the games played on those hot summer Texas nights!
Let's go Mart!
Shepherd's Heart is considering putting in a permanent food bank in Mart. This Friday they will have a mobile distribution from 2pm-4pm in front of the high school. The bigger the turn out, the more evidence that we need a permanent site in our community. Please spread the word. Boxes will be first come, first served. You are allowed to take boxes to those who cannot travel.
Next week's edition of Panther Talk can be found at the following link. There is no school for students on Monday. Have a great weekend!
The McLennan County Jr. Livestock Show Sale of Champions is tonight at 6:30 PM at the Extraco Event Center. Click the link below to see the sale order.
🐾Sale lots for our Panthers🐾
#13-Ellie Williams
#24-Alissa Mayfield
#25-Gracyn Pharris
#74-Marisela Blood
#92-Jayden Collier
#105-Madison Pharris
#112-Luke Williams
#169-Jose Pina
#181 - Savannah Kelly
Brooklynn Crawford - Grand Champion Candy Division
Scholarship presentations will begin at 6 p.m.
If you can't make it, add-ons can be sent to with name, lot number, and amount to be added on.
Next week's athletic schedule can be found below. This week is the last basketball game of the season and kicks off softball season. Come out and support our Panthers!
Check out next week's MES Memo below! Also, don't forget we do not have school on Monday.
The district has received questions regarding the upcoming School Board Trustee Election. Information on qualifications to run for office and the application link can be found here: The last day to apply for a place on the ballot is next Friday, February 16th, at 4pm.